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The following is an update to our initial statement made by our Company in 2021 pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Company Structure

Angus Dundee Distillers Pie is a family owned company established in 1988 although the family has been involved in the Scotch Whisky business for over 70 years. Its main operations are in three locations in Scotland (two distilleries and a warehousing/bottling/blending plant), with a Head Office in London and two sales divisions based in overseas territories.

Code of Conduct

The company lays great importance in dealing with its legal, moral and ethical obligations in all of its business dealings and the issue of Modern Slavery is no exception. We are already heavily regulated as an industry by organisations such as HMRC/SEPA and our company is BRCG accredited so there is much third party oversight of our operations. Modern Slavery in any form is unacceptable and management in each of our business locations is fully aware of the company position on this subject.

Supply Chain

The company sources the vast majority of its supplies from well-established and well known suppliers to our industry which are based in UK or EU. A policy document "Responsible Sourcing & Modern-Day Slavery- Supplier Commitment" was sent to all key suppliers covering the following and requiring their commitment:

• Labour and Human Rights - Prohibition and Discrimination, Prohibition of Child Labour, Prohibition of Forced and Compulsory Labour and Disciplinary Measures, Workplace Health and Safety, Working Hours, Remuneration, Freedom of Association and the Right to collective Bargaining
• Health and Safety - Occupational Safety, Emergency Preparedness, Occupational Injury and Illness, Sanitation, Food and Housing
• Environmental Controls - Risk identification, Sustainable agriculture, Product Restrictions, Water and wastewater, Climate, energy, Eco design, Nuisances and Waste
• Fair Business Practices and Ethics - Business integrity, Intellectual Property protection

This ensures they understand the high standards we expect of them. We would not continue to work with suppliers whose practices are inconsistent with our principles and policies.

People and Training

We comply with local laws and regulations in each of our locations relating to pay and benefits and health and safety and all employees have Contracts of Employment showing in full the company HR policy, terms and conditions.

Key to the successful implementation of our Modern Slavery policy is appropriate training for relevant staff involved in recruitment and supply chain to ensure they are fully aware of the company's policy and obligations under this Act. This is carried out by our Compliance Officer who is responsible for ensuring employees are updated as and when required.

Due Diligence

To date we have not become aware of any situations relating to people or in the supply chain whereby we would need to make changes to our business operations and procedures. This is an ongoing process and we in turn have to comply with policies from both customers and suppliers relating to Corporate Social Responsibility issues including Modern Slavery.

Angus Dundee Distillers plc

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